Monday, April 02, 2007

Today is April 2nd, we have had a great week with Nadia here in Guatemala. Today is the day that Melissa and I did not want to come, the day we have to give her back to her foster mother. We have a new trip planned to come back in less than a month, so that makes it a little easier.

Here are some new pictures from yesterday, we spent most of the day at the pool and Nadia loved swimming with Mommy and Daddy. Click on the big picture to go to an album of more pictures.

We will be leaving for the US on Tuesday morning and will be back in Indy late Tuesday.

April 1, 2007


houseofeling said...

oh wow! Looks like you guys are having a trip of a lifetime! I'll pray the next few months fly by...

Anonymous said...

Melissa, Nadia is so beautiful. I can't wait until you can take her home. Love, Tisha

Shannon said...

She is absolutely gourgeous!!! I can't wait to hold that sweet little thing!! I am so excited for you guys!!!!