Monday, April 30, 2007

Welcome spring, wow what a weekend! We worked really hard on the yard this weekend. We spread 19 bags of mulch and we planted our garden. We added 6 bags of manure, yes it was stinky and worked it into the heavy soil. We also planted: Oregano, Basil, Parsley, Lavender, little pumpkins, Arugula (mike's favorite) spinach, two rows of peas, two rows of green beans, brocoli, and tomatoes. Mike also added a better bunny fence, those of you who have watched Wallace and Grommit The Curse of the Ware Rabbit we were attacked by bunnies last season. Gavin thought planting a garden was great! Mike and I were just plain tired Sunday night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Very impresive!